Douglas Murray - At it again.
Only a few days after the launch of the "Inspired By Muhammed Campaign" Our good old friend Douglas Murray has already begun his onslaught- via his article published in the Telegraph “Mohammed believed in women's rights, Oh, really?"
The campaign portrays many positive messages about the rights of women which were inspired by the Prophet Muhammad. Murray cannot help but try to sully this positive message by making reference to Aisha's marriage to Muhammed (pbuh). Well he'll have to try a lot harder than that, that's for sure. One wonders why Murray remains so blinded by his own pointless rhetoric, that he cannot even begin to appreciate the fact that Muhammed (pubh) spoke out for women’s rights. This is clear by virtue of the fact that he vehemently attacked an established tradition of burying female infants alive. The Prophet also condemned and reformed many other traditions emanating from pre-Islamic Arab society, in their mistreatment of women.
The centre for Social Cohesion which studies radicalisation and extremism in Britain would surely encourage such a campaign. Does Murray not want more Muslims to engage in portraying a positive message of Islam? Clearly not. His intentions? Well it becomes apparent that Murray just does not like Islam and cannot stand positive representations of Islam in any shape or form. Is Douglas Murray inspired by a hatred of Islam ?